The Basics: Emo History

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So before you can become a fellow emo, you must learn this history of our ancestors that came before us and our fellow siblings, Scene, Punk, and Goth. (No, they are not the same thing)

Emo stands for Emotional and was brought into the mainstream media popularity in the early 2000's. It was mainly based on look, but also had the music aspect to it, as well.

Emo is a subculture and subgenre of music that I have no way of explaining so here is the Wikipedia definition:

Emo: a style of rock music resembling punk but having more complex arrangements and lyrics that deal with more emotional subjects.

So like if punk artists put more effort into their lyrics *cough* lookin' at you, Blink 182 *cough* (just kidding)

Emo is like if Goth and Skater had a kid who cried a lot.

Scene is always confused with Emo but Scene is based on colorful puffy hair and makeup.

"The Emo trinity" were thought of as the kingdom of Emo.

Pete Wentz, the king of Emo.
Ryan Ross, the queen of Emo.
Mikey Way, princess of Emo.
Patrick Stump, prince of Emo.
Gerard Way, sassy Emo maid.
Brendon Urie, Emo forehead.
Etc. etc.

You get the gist.

The biggest influence in Emo rising to the mainstream media was Pete Wentz. He pretty much introduced Emo to the world. He has the belt and hoodie thing with the hair and eyeliner.

The hottest Emo celebrities were Pete Wentz and Hayley Williams. And then after Fall Out Boy went on break, Emo died.

Or so they thought. As of recently Emo has started to rise slowly back into the media.

The end. That's the Emo history sort of.

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