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a black and white drawing of an egg
The Droodle Creativity Test
Child blowing an enormous bubble gum bubble
a black and white drawing of a rectangle with the letter z in it's center
droodle - Ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch
a black and white photo of a sunburst in the middle of a square
1. A spider doing a handstand OR 2. A supermodel on a bad hair day OR 3. A punk-rock dandelion.
an open door with a bow tie drawn on it's front and back sides
A man whose bow tie is caught in an elevator.
two arrows pointing to each other in front of a white background with black and white lines
1. A bird who caught a very strong worm OR 2. A gopher with two TV sets OR 3. Two palm trees on a desert island OR 4. A golf ball-stealing alien
four different shapes are shown in this diagram
Droodles (a) (b) and (c) are originals by Roger Price, the others are contributions to the Droodles home page by Leo Valdes (http://www. droodles.com) a Man wearing a bow tie entered a crowded elevator and the door closed on his tie. b Rear view of the starting line for a rat race. c Giraffes in love d Cat watching TV e Flea holding up an elephant f Igloo with a satellite dish. g Shark returning from a holiday at Disneyland h Rabbit blowing a large bubble.