On the Beach with Martin Parr

For over forty years, Martin Parr has photographed beach culture around the globe. From the world-famous waterfronts of Cannes and Copacabana to the lesser known Sanya and Skegness, Parr has seen it all. Having also documented Paris Fashion Week and worked with Louis Vuitton and Paul Smith, Parr is no stranger to the rarified and exquisite, but his beach work focusses on the mundane with an honest eye. As Parr once told the Independent, “The seaside has to be one of the most fascinating places for people-watching. It is a place where we relax and lose our inhibitions, and that’s when true personalities come on display.”

As part of our Swimsuit Issue, come relax and lose your inhibitions with this sandy slide show of Parr’s beach photos.

Photographs by Martin Parr/Magnum.