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Puebla y Tolín, Dióscoro Teófilo

Melgar de Fernamental, Burgos (Spain), 1831 - Madrid (Spain), 1901

See author's file

The first landing of Christopher Columbus in America

1862. Oil on canvas.
On display elsewhere

According to a very personal interpretation of the painter, the scene represents the first expedition of Christopher Columbus to the Indies (1451/1456? –Valladolid, 1506), and his arrival at Guanahani island on 12 October 1492, which he baptised with the name of San Salvador. The white-haired Columbus kneels on the mainland. He is dressed in red, with the raised banner in his left hand and the sword resting in his right hand, directing his eyes towards the sky. Columbus is surrounded by his companions, who have arrived in boats. All of them are dressed differently, depending on whether they are sailors or soldiers, and carrying banners or weapons with them. To the left of the composition, a group of half-naked and surprised Indians are close to a Franciscan friar –an anachronism, since there was none in the expedition– who clasps a crucifix. In the background, in a calm sea, the caravels are anchored with their sails folded.

The painting emerged from a sketch with which the painter fulfilled one of his obligations as a second-year pensioner, and which later De la Banda made public. The sketch hardly has any variations, except for the one with less emphasis on the characters and slight changes in some of their postures, such as the monk´s arms, as well as an interesting life study for the admiral´s head. Not only this painting served as an inescapable reference for all painters who later tackled this subject, but also Puebla himself reused the admiral´s face in one of the figures of his painting Margarete and Mephistopheles in the Cathedral. Moreover, this painting was considered to be a compositional prototype for related themes. In fact, it was closely referred to by Antonio Gisbert in his painting Landing of the Puritans in North America, painted only two years later. Likewise, its composition was recreated by Juan de Orduña in one of the culminating scenes of his film Alba de América, released in 1951.

Elorza Guinea, Juan Carlos, Dióscoro Puebla (1831-1901), Burgos, Junta de Castilla y León, 1993, p.84-87

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Inventory number
Puebla y Tolín, Dióscoro Teófilo
The first landing of Christopher Columbus in America
Height: 330 cm; Width: 545 cm
Acquired from the author, 1863; Museo del Prado, 1863–1896; Museo de Arte Moderno, 1896–1968; Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, 1968–1971

Bibliography +

Ossorio y Bernard, M., Galería biográfica de artistas españoles del Siglo XIX, Giner, Madrid, 1975, pp. 556.

Pantorba, B. de, Historia y crítica de las Exposiciones Nacionales de Bellas Artes, Jesús Ramón García Rama, Madrid, 1980, pp. 81.

Espinós, A.; Orihuela, M. y Royo Villanova, M. [et al.], El "Prado disperso". Cuadros depositados en La Coruña II. La Coruña. Diputación, Boletín del Museo del Prado, VIII, 1987, pp. 130.

Díez, José Luis, La pintura de historia del siglo XIX en España, Consorcio Madrid 92Museo del Prado, Madrid, 1992, pp. 206-211.

Elorza Guinea, Juan Carlos, Dióscoro Puebla (1831-1901), Junta de Castilla y León, Burgos, 1993, pp. 84-87.

Museo Nacional del Prado, Museo del Prado: inventario general de pinturas, III, Museo del Prado, Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 1996.

Boccardo, Piero, Genova e la Spagna : Opere, Artisti, Commitenti, Collezionis, Silvana Editoriale, Genova, 2002, pp. 290 / 292.

Isabel la Católica y el arte, Real Academia de la Historia: Marquesa Viuda de Arriluce de Ybarra, Madrid, 2006, pp. 127-142.

Barón, Javier, The Spanish presence at Philadelphia's Centennial Exhibition and Chicago's world's Columbian, Collecting spanish art. Spain's golden age and America's Gilded Age., 2012, pp. 65-93 [70].

Díez, José Luis (dir.), Pintura del Siglo XIX en el Museo del Prado: catálogo general, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, 2015, pp. 492-493.

Other inventories +

Inv. Nuevas Adquisiciones (iniciado en 1856). Núm. 105.
105 / Autor Don Dioscoro Puebla / Lienzo = Primer desembarco de Cristóbal Colon en America / Marco dorado / Alto 3.07 ancho 5'47 // [nota al margen=] Adquirido en 30,000 rs. Primera medalla de historia en la Exposicion de 1862 // [con otra grafía=] Paso al Al Ministerio de Ultramar fha 7 Julio 1880)

Catálogo Museo de la Trinidad, 1865. Núm. 105.
GALERIA DE CUADROS CONTEMPORÁNEOS. / PUEBLA TOLIN (D. Dioscoro Teofilo). [...] 105. Primer desembarco de Cristóbal Colon en América. / Lienzo. - Al. 3,07. - An. 3,47. / Exposicion Nacional de 1862. Adquirido en 1860 en 30.000 rs.

Inv. General del Museo de Arte Moderno, 1899-1902. Núm. 591.
[También registrado en el número 936]

Catálogo Museo de Arte Moderno, 1900. Núm. 527.
SECCIÓN DE PINTURA EN SUS DIVERSAS CLASES, DIBUJOS Y GRABADOS EN LÁMINAS. / Puebla (D. Dioscoro T.) [...] 527.- Desembarco de Colón en América. (En depósito.) / Alto 3'30 metros. Ancho 5'45 metros.

Registros-Inventarios Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno, 1900-1936. Núm. 48-P.

Registros-Inventarios Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno, 1900-1936. Núm. 75-P.

Inscriptions +

Signed and dated. Front, lower left corner

M.A.M. 75 (P)
Front, lower right corner

T. 105
Inscribed in blue. Front, lower right corner

Exhibitions +

El pintor Dióscoro Puebla
11.02.1993 - 04.04.1993

La pintura de historia del Siglo XIX en España
01.10.1992 - 01.12.1992

Location +

La Coruña - Ayuntamiento de La Coruña (Deposit)

Update date: 16-01-2024 | Registry created on 20-12-2016

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