Inodoro Pereyra (Clarin, 17/8/1983)Inodoro Pereyra (Clarin, 17/8/1983)
Inodoro Pereyra (Clarin, 17/8/1983)

Roberto Fontanarrosa was born in Rosario in 1944. He was a representative of the group of Argentinian sharp humor cartoonists that made their appearance in the 1970s. A very productive artist, he drew satirical comics and cartoons in such magazines as Boom, Hortensia, and the daily Clarín.

Momo Story, art by Roberto Fontanarrosa
Momo Story, art by Roberto Fontanarrosa

Several compilation albums of his gags have appeared ('¿Quién es Fontanarrosa?', 'Fontanarrosa y los Médicos', 'Fontanarrosa y la Política', 'Fontanarrosa y la Pareja', and 'El Sexo de Fontanarrosa'). He has created numerous characters, such as 'Inodoro Pereyra' and 'Boogie, el Aceitoso', and is a respected novelist and writer. Señor Fontanarrosa, known as 'El Negro', died in July 2007 at age 62.

Semblanzas Deportivas, by Roberto Fontanarosa (Fierro, 1989)
Semblanzas Deportivas (Fierro, 1989)

Inodoro Pereyra, by Roberto Fontanarrosa
Inodoro Pereyra

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