
How to surf like a gentleman

Now 73, Mike Hynson (middle) still knows how to ride a wave in style. We asked the legendary surfer, who starred alongside Robert August (left) in Sixties surf film *The Endless Summer, * what he's learned over the years and how to behave in the waves.
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Bruce Brown Films

Look out for each other

Bruce Brown Films


** "When we filmed The Endless Summer there were a couple of places that Robert and I found, where no one had ever surfed before; we didn't know what the bottom looked like, we didn't know if there were sharks, so we had a kind of buddy system.

We would keep an eye on each other's board and if one person lost it, you'd help to go get it. When you surf, there's an element of being loyal and looking out for each other."

Share tips

Bruce Brown Films

"In the old days there weren't that many people surfing yet and, of those who did, we kind of all knew each other. I used to drive down the coast and I'd see someone from Santa Barbara or Malibu. We'd stop each other when we saw each other coming down the highway and we'd share surf reports. 'How's the surf up there? Is there a swell going?'. There was a common bond back then, and that's still a big part of it now."

Travel in style

Bruce Brown Films


** "We all had hot-rods, but Willys [Jeep] Wagons were also always a favourite - I had one of those, and now they're really collectable. Right now I'd say an SUV would probably be a good thing to get around in style and carry your surfboards with."

Look respectable at all times

Bruce Brown Films


** "We had to be gentlemen wherever we went. We were travelling to all sorts of foreign places where no one really knew who we were or what a surfer was so we wanted to look as respectable as we could, which is why we. But even now you should remember that you're representing the sport."

Bruce Brown Films

"Surfers are known for wearing shorts and sandals, but wearing our suits - I think they were actually from graduation - at the airports and in foreign countries really helped us out a lot. A suit has a mystique about it, it was just something that we felt was a gentleman's way of doing it - we were ambassadors for the sport and for our country and we had this opportunity to display ourselves and what being a surfer was about.

Obviously, to surf like a gentleman you don't need a suit, but it's important to remember that you're an ambassador for the sport.

Being polite and courteous as a surfer is vital for the sport."

Be inclusive

Bruce Brown Films

"Different places have different lifestyles, but surfing catches everybody now. There are all kinds of businessmen, lawyers, and people like that who will come down from the city. That's part of the surf life style - to collaborate - so you get to meet a lot of people and see a lot of places and it's important to respect that you're all there to do the same thing, no matter what you look like.

Bruce Brown Films

"People scrabble with each other sometimes, but mostly it's really understanding and everybody goes out and shares things and enjoys the sport together."

Never approach women on the waves

Bruce Brown Films

"The girls who are surfing now are extraordinary. It's beautiful to see girls and boys out there surfing together. I'd say that surfing is now equal to a point - like many sports with women and men there will be some differences, but there's a lot of respect.

The guys don't go out and hassle all the girls when they are out there on their boards. That's a sensible piece of gentlemanly advice."

Watch The Endless Summer on Netflix. Read about Kelly Slater's endless summer