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Chuck Palahniuk pens Fight Club sequel

Calling all space monkeys: Tyler Durden is returning in a comic book follow-up to the cult novel

When David Fincher brought Chuck Palahniuk’s 1996 novel Fight Club to the big screen, he spawned one of the most enduring cult followings in the world. Almost two decades on, the book and its film adaptation has a rep as being a kind of knuckleheaded Guy Debord for philosophy undergrads – but it's still one of Palahniuk’s most successful books yet. So it makes sense that the American novelist has penned a sequel in the form of a ten-issue graphic novel from Dark Horse Comics. 

Illustrated by Cameron Stewart, the story takes place ten years after the events of Fight Club. Its unnamed protagonist (played by Edward Norton in the film) has now settled down with kids and is married to Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter). The closest he gets to the chaos of his previous life is a prescription for medical marijuana.

Dark Horse Comics promises "some imaginary friends never go away… Ten years after starting Project Mayhem, (the anonymous narrator) lives a mundane life. A kid, a wife, pills to keep his destiny at bay. But it won’t last long; the wife has seen to that. The time has come… Rize or Die." 

Sounds like Tyler Durden is making a comeback. You can see all six pages of the preview on – and take a look at our column looking back on the 15th anniversary of the film here

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