Exposición en Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos

Gabriel Orozco

Marian Goodman Gallery - New York / 24th, West 57th Street / Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
12 sep de 2019 - 24 oct de 2021
12 sep de 2019
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Descripción de la Exposición

Marian Goodman Gallery is excited to announce an exhibition of new work by artist Gabriel Orozco. This will be Orozco’s first show at the New York gallery since moving away to Asia a few years ago. The turn to carving in Gabriel Orozco’s recent sculpture could be likened to his turn to painting on canvas in the early 2000s. Rather than assume that sculptural order has been restored by returning some fundamental property of sculpture that had seemed antithetical to his work up to this point, it hardly needs saying that sculpture has not looked like this for a good long while; and not since Adrian Stokes has the essence of modern sculpture been seen to be direct carving into stone. Rather, the hard to have predicted incorporation of carving into his longstanding engagement with sculpture shows how expansive any contemporary notion of sculpture must necessarily be.

Entrada actualizada el el 16 ago de 2021

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