Next Generation AMD Ruby Tech Demo Crafted With CryEngine 3.5 – Features Detailed

Hassan Mujtaba

The latest AMD Ruby Tech demo is in the works and recently was showcased by AMD at their ChinaJoy 2013 Exhibition Booth. The work on Ruby was started by ATi (now known as AMD) in 2003 as an aim to showcase innovative capabilities of the latest graphic cards at that time. Its 2013 now and AMD have crafted yet again another Ruby Tech demo with the power of CryEngine 3.

Next Generation AMD Ruby Tech Demo Crafted With CryEngine

The AMD Ruby Tech demo itself wasn't showcased at the event but rather the features that power it. AMD Ruby Tech demo runs off the latest version of CryEngine known as "CryEngine 3.5" which provides more intensive detail and features than the earlier versions. The AMD Ruby tech demo of 2013 provides a more cinematic feel to the visuals while making use of new features such as Mesh Tessellation and AMD's TressFX technology. AMD's TressFX made its debut with Square Enix's "Tomb Raider" which launched early in 2013. The technology allows to render Lara's hair in a more realistic manner with accurate physics. The TressFX makes use of AMD DirectCompute tech to run optimally.

AMD Ruby has been updated with a much more modern look and design scheme, the tech demo itself is set in a futuristic world. The new features imposed by CryEngine in the Ruby tech demo include:

Applied Lightning Technology

  • Real time area lights with texture reflection
  • Composite 3D Lens flares and FX
  • Spherical and Box Projected Image based Lightning

Innovations in Shading and Rendering

  • Screen Space Directional Occlusion - SSDO
  • Real-Time Local Reflections - RLR
  • Anti-Aliasing for Ruby
  • Eye Shader

Tessellation and Displacement

  • Displacement Mapping
  • Mesh Tessellation
  • Phong

Those of you who have played Crysis 3 would know that the latest CryEngine 3 supports a wide set of Anti-Aliasing options ranging from FXAA/SMAA/MSAA and No AA for those who want to play without it. The new AMD Ruby demo uses improved eye shader through Iris Parallax mapping but the most impressive feature i liked about the new demo is the latest Mesh Tessellation technology dynamically rendering the armor plating to provide a much more realistic feel.

The new SSDO (Screen Space Directional Occlusion ) technology provides smooth contact shadows and is more physically correct and enhanced than the SSAO method. SSDO also helps in eliminating self-shadowing issues and improves global lightning quality. All these technologies showcased by AMD were rendered off a single Radeon HD 7970 showing the optimizations AMD has made being EA's hardware partner. It should be noted that AMD provides exclusive optimization for Radeon cards with Frostbite 3 powered games such as the upcoming Battlefield 4 and it could also provide better optimizations with CryEngine 3 developed games. You can check out the slides from the event below which are courtesy of!


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