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OHSHC Challenge-Day 3: Fav (Non-host) Male Character

Well, since I cheated and picked Ranka already, I’d SO have to go with Nekozawa. In addition to being hilarious, he actually gets a bit of depth with the storyline about his sister. I think it’s really awesome to have an anime guy who has the ability to look like a sparkly blonde bishie and CHOOSES to be a creepy little man instead because that’s how he’s comfortable (unless it’s for Kirimi because he’d be sparkly for her and that’s devotion). Plus, anyone who’s related to Beelzenef automatically has my undying loyalty.


OHSHC Challenge-Day 2: Favorite Female Character (Not Haruhi)

There aren’t actually many non-Haruhi female characters, so I’m going to cheat a little and go with Ryoji’s female alter-ego Ranka. Ranka (and Ryoji) is tough and ready to kick ass for Haruhi. Plus, she’s stylish! Also, I kinda adore the fact that Kyoya chats with Ranka in order to check up on Haruhi and also just because they’re friends. That little detail just makes my life.


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I’ve never done this before and I feel weird doing it. But I love fullmetal alchemist and Ouran high school host club but I don’t have much of it on my daaash, Soo reblog/like if you post lots of fullmetal alchemist, Ouran Highschool host club, FrUK from Hetalia, death note, doctor who, fruk, umm and Sherlock, why not. I’ll check all the blogs out tomorrow cos I have a busy day today. Thanks ^_^

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