Lichtenstein Castle

Lichtenstein Castle

Licht­en­stein Cas­tle is a neo-Goth­ic cas­tle that was once home to Count Wil­helm von Würt­tem­berg. It is locat­ed at the edge of the Swabi­an Alps just 55 km (35 miles) away from Stuttgart and makes for a delight­ful day trip.

Licht­en­stein Cas­tle is also known as the Würt­tem­bergs’ fairy tale cas­tle. In fact, the cas­tle is the only one in the world to be built based on a nov­el! Wil­helm Hauf­f’s book ‘Licht­en­stein,’ which fea­tured a medieval knight’s cas­tle, was the inspi­ra­tion for its construction.

The cas­tle grounds include the Ger­obau (chapel), a large cas­tle gar­den and a roman­tic court­yard. In the restored rooms of Count Wil­helm you can see the lush home decor which pays homage to the late roman­tic peri­od’s idea of the Mid­dle Ages.

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