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Buzz Aldrin, 81, apparently over the moon with 51-year-old

Buzz Aldrin and his wife Lois in Beverly Hills, Calif., on June 7.
Buzz Aldrin and his wife Lois in Beverly Hills, Calif., on June 7.Amanda Edwards / Getty Images file

Octogenarians, take note: it's never too late for love. Or at least, some petting heavy enough to catch the eye of the New York Post's Page Six.

In this case we're talking about 81-year-old astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who was recently spotted with former Borders exec Michelle Sucillon, 51. The two met at one of Aldrin's book signings two years ago, and recently began dating. The two were reportedly "making out like teenagers" on an Amtrak Acela train on Saturday, according to Page Six.

Aldrin was married for 23 years to Lois Driggs Cannon (his third wife) and their divorce is pending. Cannon told the paper that she's not happy about his dating life.

“He’s not [officially] divorced yet. It is kind of scandalous. We’ve had a great life, and I don’t blame Buzz, I blame the girl. She’s a predator, that’s my opinion. He filed for divorce in June. The book signing where they met was in 2009, and I was there. She was kind of aggressive. But he didn’t start seeing her then. He’s been seeing her for about a year." Cannon went on to say that she felt that Aldrin was "having a midlife crisis in old age," and she hopes they can get back together.