Harmonizing Structure & Function: The Holistic Journey of Tensegrity and Biotensegrity in medicine.
Mario Muilwijk, Osteopath Msc., Myophysio

Harmonizing Structure & Function: The Holistic Journey of Tensegrity and Biotensegrity in medicine.

I find the concept of tensegrity particularly relevant and fascinating. Tensegrity, a term originally coined by architect Buckminster Fuller, is a structural principle that can be applied to understand both man-made structures and biological systems, including the human body. In its essence, tensegrity is about the balance and interplay between two forces: tension and compression. Imagine a structure where certain components are in compression, these are typically rigid elements like bars or struts. In a tensegrity structure, these compressed members do not touch each other directly. Instead, they are held in place by a network of continuous tension, think of this as cables or tendons. This network of tensioned members defines the shape and stability of the entire structure.

What's fascinating about tensegrity structures is their resilience and flexibility. Unlike traditional structures where load is borne mostly by the compression elements, in a tensegrity system, stress is distributed evenly throughout the tension network. This allows the structure to yield and recover from deformation, much like how our bodies absorb and adapt to physical stresses. In osteopathy, we often refer to the concept of tensegrity to understand how different parts of the body are interconnected. For instance, a problem in the foot can have implications for the alignment and function of the spine. This is because the bones (compression elements) and muscles, tendons, and ligaments (tension elements) work together in a tensegrity framework to maintain our body's integrity and balance. Understanding tensegrity helps in appreciating the body's ability to adapt and self-regulate. When we treat a patient, we're not just focusing on a single part of the body but considering the entire network of tensions and compressions. It's a holistic approach, where the goal is to restore balance to the body's natural tensegrity system, leading to better health and functionality.

Historical background

The historical background of tensegrity is a journey through both art and science, highlighting how ideas can transcend disciplines. Tensegrity's story begins in the realm of architecture and art, and then branches out into various other fields, reflecting its universal applicability and appeal. The term "tensegrity" itself was coined by the renowned architect Buckminster Fuller, derived from a contraction of 'tensional integrity'. Fuller was instrumental in popularizing the concept, but the initial idea is often credited to a student-artist, Kenneth Snelson. In the 1940s, Snelson created sculptures that embodied the principles of tensegrity, showcasing a balance between tension and compression in a visually striking form.

Buckminister Fuller & Needle Tower.

His artwork, such as the famous "Needle Tower", elegantly demonstrates how isolated compression elements (like metal rods) can be suspended and stabilized within a network of tension elements (like cables), without the rigid components touching each other. Fuller, inspired by Snelson's work, saw broader applications for this principle. He used tensegrity in architectural designs, most notably in geodesic domes. These domes exemplified how tensegrity could create structures that were lightweight yet incredibly strong, capable of spanning large areas without internal supports. From these artistic and architectural beginnings, the concept of tensegrity started to infiltrate other disciplines. Engineers found it useful in the design of stable and resilient structures.

The principles of tensegrity were applied in the creation of novel structures and materials, with characteristics valuable in fields ranging from aerospace to civil engineering. In the latter half of the 20th century, the concept made a significant leap into biology, coined as 'biotensegrity'. Medical professionals, particularly those in fields like osteopathy and chiropractic, began to see the human body as a tensegrity structure. Bones and cartilage act as the compression elements, while muscles, tendons, and ligaments serve as the tensional network. This perspective revolutionized the understanding of human biomechanics, posture, and movement. Tensegrity's journey from an artistic concept to a principle applied in architecture, engineering, and biology highlights its versatility and the interconnectedness of different domains of human knowledge. It stands as a testament to the power of a simple yet profound idea to cross-pollinate across various fields, offering new insights and solutions.

Principles of Tensegrity

The principles of tensegrity structures are centered around the innovative and efficient distribution of forces, which results in mechanical stability unique to this kind of design. The key to understanding tensegrity lies in comprehending how it utilizes two types of forces: tension and compression, in a way that is different from conventional structures. In a typical tensegrity structure, you have components that are in compression, generally represented by rigid elements like bars or rods, which are known as struts. Then, there are elements in tension, usually cables or elastic strings, which hold these struts in place. The magic of tensegrity is that these struts do not touch each other; they are entirely suspended and stabilized by the tensioned elements. This creates a pre-stressed system where the tension and compression are self-balanced. What makes tensegrity structures mechanically stable is their ability to distribute forces evenly and efficiently throughout their form. When an external force is applied to a tensegrity structure, this force is not localized, it's dissipated through the network of tensioned elements, spreading out the impact. This distribution allows the structure to bear loads and resist deformation in a way that's highly efficient and often counterintuitive. A prime example of tensegrity principles in architecture is seen in the design of geodesic domes, popularized by Buckminster Fuller. Geodesic domes are spherical or partial-spherical shells made of a network of triangles. The triangles are rigid, acting as the compression elements, while the edges of the dome, where these triangles meet, play the role of tension elements.

Tensegrity dome from Diana Pena Tees

In these domes, the load is not carried in one place or by a few points but is distributed across the entire structure. This design allows the dome to cover a large area without internal supports, and it's remarkably strong for its weight. This efficiency in load distribution is why geodesic domes are often used in situations where lightweight and strong structures are required, such as in certain types of shelters, greenhouses, and even in some space applications. Tensegrity structures, by their nature, offer a combination of strength, flexibility, and efficiency. They demonstrate how structures can be both rigid and yet adaptable, capable of withstanding different types of forces and stresses while maintaining their integrity. This principle of distributed force and balance is not just a mechanical curiosity but a profound concept that has implications in fields ranging from architecture to biology.


Biotensegrity is a fascinating extension of the principles of tensegrity into the realm of biological structures. This concept was pioneered by Dr. Stephen Levin, an orthopedic surgeon whose work has significantly influenced our understanding of the biomechanics of the human body. Dr. Levin's introduction to the concept of biotensegrity began with his observation of the mechanical behavior of the musculoskeletal system. He noticed that the traditional biomechanical models, which treated bones as levers and joints as pivot points, didn't fully explain the complexity and efficiency of human movement. Intrigued by the principles of tensegrity in architecture and engineering, Dr. Levin began to explore the possibility that these principles could also apply to living organisms. Biotensegrity proposes that the body is a self-supporting structure where bones act as the compression elements, and fascia, muscles, tendons, and ligaments serve as the continuous tension elements. In this model, the bones float within a tense network of soft tissues, distributing mechanical stresses throughout the body efficiently and uniformly. This perspective contrasts with the traditional view of the skeletal system as a rigid framework that solely supports the body.

This concept revolutionized the understanding of body mechanics by suggesting that the integrity of the body's structure is maintained not by simple stacking of bones, but through a complex interplay of tension and compression forces. It implies that the body behaves more like a single, cohesive unit rather than a collection of individual parts operating independently. Dr. Levin's work in biotensegrity has had profound implications in various fields, including orthopedics, rehabilitation, and even sports medicine. By viewing the body through the lens of biotensegrity, medical professionals and therapists can better understand injury mechanisms, movement patterns, and the holistic nature of the human body's structure and function. This understanding aids in developing more effective treatment and rehabilitation strategies that align with the body's natural mechanics. In summary, biotensegrity, as pioneered by Dr. Stephen Levin, offers a revolutionary perspective on the biomechanics of the human body. It extends the elegant principles of tensegrity to the biological world, providing a more comprehensive understanding of how our bodies maintain structural integrity and functional resilience.

De Hurkende man by Anthony Gormley, Lelystad, Netherlands.

Biotensegrity in Biology & Medicine

Biotensegrity significantly advances our understanding of the mechanical behavior of living organisms, especially in the context of biology and medicine. This concept is pivotal in explaining how biological structures, like the human body, maintain their integrity and function under various mechanical stresses. At the core of biotensegrity is the idea that in biological systems, the interplay of tension and compression elements is fundamental to their structure and movement. In the human musculoskeletal system, for instance, the bones act as the compression elements. These are the rigid parts that provide stability and support. Meanwhile, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments serve as the tensional elements. They are the dynamic parts that create movement, maintain posture, and distribute forces throughout the body. One of the most enlightening examples of biotensegrity in action is the spine. Traditionally, the spine has been viewed as a stack of bones (vertebrae) supported by muscles and ligaments.

Mario Muilwijk

However, through the lens of biotensegrity, the spine is seen as a more integrated structure. The vertebrae (compression elements) are suspended and supported by a continuous network of fascia, muscles and ligaments (tension elements). This arrangement allows the spine to absorb shocks, maintain stability, and facilitate a wide range of movements efficiently. Another example is the shoulder joint, where the humerus (upper arm bone) is held in place not just by the surrounding joint capsule but by the balanced tension provided by muscles and tendons around the shoulder girdle. This tensional integrity allows for the extensive range of motion of the shoulder, which is unmatched by any other joint in the body. In medicine, understanding biotensegrity has profound implications for treatment and rehabilitation. It suggests that an injury or dysfunction in one part of the body can affect distant areas, due to the interconnected network of tension and compression. For instance, an issue in the foot can lead to compensatory changes in gait, which might, in turn, affect the spine or even the neck. This perspective encourages a holistic approach to patient care, emphasizing the importance of treating the body as an interconnected system rather than focusing on isolated parts.

Furthermore, biotensegrity has implications in surgical practices and the design of prosthetics. It guides the development of interventions and devices that work harmoniously with the body's natural biomechanics, ensuring better integration and functionality. The application of biotensegrity in biology and medicine provides a more nuanced understanding of the body's mechanical behavior. It elucidates how living organisms maintain structural integrity and functionality through a sophisticated balance of tension and compression forces, offering valuable insights for medical practice and research.

Biotensegrity in Cellular Biology

The concept of biotensegrity extends even to the cellular level, providing a compelling framework for understanding the structure and behavior of cells. Central to this application is the cytoskeleton, a complex network within the cell that functions as an internal tensegrity structure. The cytoskeleton is made up of protein filaments and fibers that create a dynamic scaffolding within the cell. It's composed of three primary types of filaments: actin filaments (microfilaments), microtubules, and intermediate filaments. Each of these elements plays a specific role in maintaining cell shape, enabling cellular movements, and facilitating intracellular transport.

In the context of biotensegrity, these filaments act as both compression and tension elements, similar to the struts and cables in macroscopic tensegrity structures. Microtubules often function as the compression-resistant rods, while the actin filaments and intermediate filaments provide tensile strength. This arrangement allows cells to maintain their shape, resist deformation, and respond adaptively to external forces. The cytoskeleton's tensegrity structure is not static; it's dynamic and responsive. When a cell interacts with its environment, whether through mechanical forces, chemical signals, or attachment to other cells or the extracellular matrix, the cytoskeleton can rearrange itself. This adaptability is key to many cellular functions, including migration, division, and the ability to change shape. For example, during cell migration, which is crucial in processes like wound healing and embryonic development, the cell's tensegrity structure allows it to extend forward, attach to a new area, and then pull the rest of its body forward. Similarly, in cell division, the cytoskeleton reorganizes to form the mitotic spindle, ensuring that chromosomes are correctly distributed to the daughter cells. In terms of cellular mechanics, biotensegrity helps explain how mechanical signals are transmitted across the cell. Mechanical stresses applied to the cell surface can be distributed throughout the cytoskeleton, leading to changes in cellular behavior. This is a critical aspect of mechanotransduction, where cells convert mechanical stimuli into chemical activity. In medicine and biology, understanding the biotensegrity of the cytoskeleton opens new avenues for research and treatment. It has implications in areas like cancer research, where changes in the mechanical properties of cells can affect tumor growth and metastasis, and in understanding diseases linked to cytoskeletal dysfunctions. The concept of biotensegrity at the cellular level, with the cytoskeleton as an internal tensegrity structure, offers a comprehensive understanding of how cells maintain their integrity, adapt to their environment, and perform essential functions. This perspective is not only fundamental in cell biology but also has significant implications for medical research and therapeutics.

Biotensegrity & Fascia as a Dynamic, Fluid System

The exploration of fascia within the context of biotensegrity unveils a nuanced understanding of the human body's mechanics, emphasizing not just structure but also the critical aspect of fluidity. Fascia, the pervasive connective tissue network, is integral to this understanding, serving as more than just a structural scaffold; it's a dynamic system that influences and is influenced by the body's fluid nature. Traditionally seen as a passive tissue providing support and separation for other structures, fascia is now recognized as a dynamic and fluid component of the tensegrity system. It possesses a unique ability to adapt its density and arrangement in response to mechanical stress and movement. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining the body's resilience and flexibility.

The Role of Fascial Hydration

A key aspect of fascia's functionality is its hydration. The fluid matrix within fascia allows for smooth gliding of muscle fibers, nerves, and blood vessels. Proper hydration of the fascial system is essential for maintaining its elasticity and function. When fascia becomes dehydrated, it loses its pliability, leading to stiffness, restricted movement, and potential pain. This highlights the importance of fluidity, not just in terms of bodily movements but at the microscopic level of tissue health and function.

Fascia, Movement, and Biotensegrity

In the biotensegrity model, fascia is recognized for its role in distributing mechanical forces throughout the body. It works in concert with bones, muscles, and ligaments, facilitating efficient movement patterns. The fluid nature of fascia allows it to respond dynamically to changes in tension and compression, which is fundamental to the body's ability to move in a coordinated and balanced manner.

Therapeutic Implications of Fluidity in Fascia

This understanding has profound implications for therapeutic practices. Techniques that promote fascial fluidity, such as myofascial release, stretching, and hydration therapies, are gaining prominence. These methods focus on enhancing the fluid characteristics of the fascia, thereby improving its function and, by extension, the overall health of the musculoskeletal system.

The Broader Impact on Health and Wellness

The fluidity of fascia also ties into broader aspects of health and wellness. Understanding and maintaining the fluid nature of fascia could be key to preventing injuries, enhancing athletic performance, and even managing chronic pain conditions. It presents an opportunity to develop more holistic and effective approaches to physical therapy, movement education, and bodywork. In summary, recognizing fascia as a dynamic, fluid component in the biotensegrity model of the body offers a more comprehensive understanding of human biomechanics. It underscores the importance of considering fluidity in both the study and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. As research in this area continues to grow, it holds the promise of transforming approaches to physical health, rehabilitation, and overall body wellness.

Challenges & Criticisms

Biotensegrity, while offering a revolutionary perspective on biological structures and mechanics, is not without its challenges and criticisms, particularly in its application to biology and medicine. These challenges stem from both conceptual and practical aspects.

Complexity in Application: One of the main criticisms of biotensegrity is its complexity when applied to biological systems. Human anatomy and cellular structures are incredibly complex, and the simplistic model of struts and cables in traditional tensegrity might not fully capture this complexity. This raises questions about the practicality of applying biotensegrity models in medical and biological research.

Lack of Empirical Evidence: There is a call for more empirical evidence to support the biotensegrity model, especially in human physiology. Critics argue that while the concept is theoretically sound and visually appealing, there needs to be more robust scientific research and data to validate its application in understanding human anatomy and treating musculoskeletal disorders.

Integration with Established Models: Biotensegrity challenges some long-standing models in biomechanics and anatomy. Integrating this concept with the existing knowledge and paradigms, which have been deeply entrenched in medical education and practice, poses a significant challenge. There's a need for a bridging mechanism that allows for the incorporation of biotensegrity principles without disregarding the value of traditional models.

Quantitative Analysis Difficulties: Quantitatively analyzing biotensegrity systems, especially at the cellular and molecular levels, is challenging. The dynamic and complex nature of these systems makes it difficult to develop precise mathematical models and simulations, which are crucial for advancing understanding and application in a scientific context.

Skepticism in the Medical Community: There's a certain level of skepticism towards biotensegrity in parts of the medical community. This skepticism is partly due to its departure from conventional biomechanical models and partly due to its origins outside of mainstream medicine and biology.

Educational and Training Barriers: Incorporating biotensegrity into medical and biology education involves overcoming significant barriers. Redefining curriculum and training programs to include these concepts requires not just resources but also a paradigm shift in teaching and learning approaches.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Biotensegrity, by nature, calls for an interdisciplinary approach, combining insights from engineering, biology, and medicine. However, creating and sustaining such interdisciplinary collaboration can be challenging due to differing terminologies, methodologies, and perspectives.

Challenges and Future Research Despite growing interest, the study of fascia and its fluid dynamics in the context of biotensegrity remains a relatively uncharted territory. Future research could focus on the interplay between fascial fluidity and body mechanics, exploring how changes in the fascial system affect overall movement and health.

The future of tensegrity and biotensegrity holds exciting potential for a wide range of applications, from improving human health and well-being to advancing technology and engineering. As research continues to unfold, these principles are set to offer innovative solutions and deepen our understanding of the natural world.


  1. Biotensegrity, The structural base of life. Graham Scarr. 2018

  2. Math Art Truth, Beauty, and Equations. Stephen Ornes. 2019

  3. Beyond Biomechanics - Biotensegrity The new paradigm of kinematics and body awareness. Maren Diehl. 2019

  4. The Golden Ratio: The Divine Beauty of Mathematics. Gary B, Meisner, Rafael Araujo. 2018.

  5. Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body. The science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy. Robert Schleipp, Carla Stecco, Mark Driscoll, Peter A. Huijing. 2021.

  6. A Review of the Theoretical Fascial Models: Biotensegrity, Fascintegrity, and Myofascial Chains. Bordoni B, Myers. 2020.

Stacy Barrows

MOVEMENT EDUCATOR: Doctor of Physical Therapy/Feldenkrais®/Pilates Teacher~Author/Inventor at Smart Somatic Solutions Physical Therapy, Inc.


We are having our first Biotensegrity Interest Group for Physiotherapists but all are welcome. It is this Saturday 11-4 EST via zoom, and a recording will be available if you register. Thank you for your great posts! HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/MSWW84FX

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Mark Edgar

Wellness Coach & Massage Therapist | Remote Fitness & Strength Training | Lifestyle Change & Nutrition Support | PT Mentorship and Education Consultant | Corporate Wellness Analyst | Personal Trainer for Local Community


Really enjoying your posts Myophysio 😊 Venturing beyond your industry expertise and discover the power of diverse learning! Embrace new perspectives, skills, and knowledge from different fields can fuel innovation and inspire fresh ideas. 🚀 Check my Top 5 Reasons in which knowledge of structural physics can enhance a Personal Trainer's effectiveness in particular - on my repost! #KnowledgeIsPower #functionaltraining #massagetherapy

Yusuf Aljaloud. Eng

Utility Management - Industrial Refrigeration 🏭 Almarai | CMRP, CAPM


Thank you very much for sharing knowledge ✨👍🏼 Some Value of Tensegrity System: 1. The fascinating about tensegrity structures is their Resilience & Flexibility. 2. In a tensegrity system, stress is distributed evenly ~ throughout the tension network. 3. This allows the structure to yield and recover from deformation, much like how our bodies absorb and adapt to physical stresses.

Dominika Swiercz

PhD, Physiotherapeutin - Therapiezentrum Lichterschatten


Nice written. We've learned about tensegrity rule and its possible applications during massage classes on my second year of physiotherapy studies. I still am using what I have learned back then and find the whole concept very interesting.

Regula Calloni

propriétaire fascia pilates


Extremly well written!! I can see the immense research behind this article! Bravo!!!

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