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'The Simpsons:' A Simple Solution To The Problem With Apu

Updated Oct 31, 2018, 08:15am EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

20th Century Fox

In case you haven’t heard, there’s been a Twitter firestorm raging over the fate of the iconic Simpsons character, Apu.

Though Apu has always had his critics, the 2017 documentary The Problem With Apu, by Hari Kondabolu, highlighted the fact that Apu is essentially a caricature of Indian-American stereotypes, created by white men and voiced by another white guy with a silly accent.

The documentary was well-received, and while Kondabolu received praise for starting an overdue conversation, some viewed his criticism as unjustified, and oversensitive. Of course, controversy followed.

I’ll break down the basic argument of the two opposing sides, so we can move on to a potential solution.

The controversy, in a nutshell

From a certain perspective, Apu could indeed be viewed as a modern-day minstrel. It cannot be denied that Apu’s punchlines are often based on Indian-American stereotypes; I don’t think he’s a character that would be conceived today.   

That being said, the entire cast of The Simpsons is composed of ridiculous stereotypes, and some are even kind of cruel, like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel. Groundskeeper Willie has the worst Scottish accent I’ve ever heard (and lives in a shack), while Comic Book Guy makes fanboys out to be the most insufferable people on the face of the planet. Compared to these one-note characters, Apu comes across as extremely three-dimensional.  

But the opposing argument states that Apu was one of the few Indian American characters on tv at the time The Simpsons aired, and was way more influential than any animated side-character should ever be. Thus, his portrayal should have been more sensitive, especially considering that the character’s dodgy accent and Kwik-E-Mart catchphrase has been used as a racial slur against folks of Indian heritage for decades.

That’s essentially it, more or less. Just add the words “racism,” “white privilege,” “SJW” and “political correctness,” and you’ve got a good idea of the kind of intellectual debate this documentary has sparked. Now, these online insult-exchanges might be the fire that fuels Twitter’s advertising revenue, but they don’t tend to produce solutions other than “cancel the show,” or “kill the character.”

And that’s an incredibly lazy approach to the problem, especially seeing as many people still love Apu, and not all Indian Americans think he’s racist. But The Simpson’s previous attempt to acknowledge the controversy only infuriated critics.

The real problem might just be that The Simpsons is a product of its time, and has (inevitably) aged badly, seeing as it is the longest-running primetime scripted series of all time. Hell, does anyone even watch the show anymore?

Even Hari Kondabolu doesn’t seem to know how to end the conversation he started, suggesting that Apu should become “a mogul who now owned multiple convenience stores” or simply “let his kids talk.” Neither of these solutions, however, address the problems highlighted in his documentary.

A rumor from Indian-American film producer Adi Shankar hit the headlines earlier this week, claiming that The Simpsons was quietly and permanently removing Apu, only to be clarified by Simpsons executive producer Al Jean, who stated: "Adi Shankar is not a producer on The Simpsons. I wish him the very best but he does not speak for our show."

Notice that Jean did not actually deny the show is cutting Apu - he merely stated that Shankar does not speak for The Simpsons. Hmm. Would anybody even notice if the show stopped featuring Apu? How many episodes would it take for fans to pick up on his disappearance? Wouldn’t erasing the show’s most prominent Indian character be an ironic step backward for racial diversity?

This is 2018, and everything is immensely complicated, even The Simpsons. But the problem might not be as tricky as the tribal wars on Twitter would have you believe.  

An exceedingly simple solution that I think might make (almost) everyone happy, would be to keep Apu in the show, flaws and all, but add some major Indian characters, voiced by people who are not named Hank Azaria.

The new characters should be interesting and fully fleshed out, while Apu can remain a bit of a dinosaur, a reminder of how our attitudes have shifted. Just like a classic Mark Twain novel casually peppered with hideously offensive racial slurs, The Simpsons can both entertain and inspire people, while reminding them that the times have changed.  

Hopefully, for the better.

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