I decided to go find the Iraqi reaction to Bush's dog and pony show, aka "The Plan for Victory in Iraq" speech that the Chimp-in-Chief gave to a captive audience of cadets in Annapolis.  I didn't find much about that, but I did discover a few other insights that need to be shared.

About the speech, the Iraqi blogger, Riverbend asks, Don't Americans get tired of hearing the same thing? It pains me to think that others in the world must believe that we Americans are all as stupid and as corrupt as the clueless ass clown that lives in the White House.

What really moved me to write this diary however, was a portion of Riverbend's diary today that contained one of the most illuminating statements that I've seen about the roots and goals of the insurgency:
...people fear the Americans will be here for the next twenty years- unless they are bombed and attacked out of the country. Although many Iraqis support armed resistance in theory, I think that the average Iraqi simply wants to see them go back home in one piece- we feel sorry for them and especially sorry for their families at times. There are moments when you forget the personal affronts- the raids, the checkpoints, the fear of bombing, the detentions, etc. and you can see through it all to the actual person behind the weapons and body armor... On the other hand, you never forget that it's a foreign occupation and will meet with resistance like all foreign occupations.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice can all swear that American troops will not pull out of the country no matter how many casualties they sustain, but history has proven otherwise...

Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it in a nutshell.  Pure.  Simple.  Easily understandable.  The insurgency will continue until we leave.  Period.