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Erik Estrada appears in Rancho Cucamonga.
Erik Estrada appears in Rancho Cucamonga.

Erik Estrada has returned to his roots.

Years before he was the charismatic California Highway Patrol Officer Frank “Ponch” Poncherello, Erik Estrada’s career was in faith-based films.

Tonight, he will screen his latest inspirational movie, “Finding Faith,” at Etiwanda Gardens, sponsored by Christ Church of the Valley of Rancho Cucamonga.

“Finding Faith” is a full-length motion picture starring Estrada that tells the true stories of law enforcement officers who work with children and families to promote Internet safety. One of the stories involves an abducted child named Faith.

The screening is free, but donations are accepted to support a world tour of the production now in progress.

The tour’s stop in Rancho Cucamonga started with an email.

“It was one that I’m sure just about all the churches get and it said, ‘You can host a screening with Erik Estrada’ and the name ‘Erik Estrada’ just happened to catch my eye,” said Beckie Vasquez, generational pastor for Christ’s Church of the Valley. “Then I started to read about the film and I knew I wanted him to come speak to our community.”

The subject matter really hit home with Vasquez because she has friends who had a close encounter with an online predator.

“We are hearing about these kinds of stories way to much,” she said. “Parents must be aware of what their kids are doing.”

After the film, Estrada will address the audience sharing safety tips and answering questions. Various pamphlets and other information will be available for purchase.

“This is a universal problem that affects everyone and everyone is invited,” Vasquez said. “It’s so important to get this information into the hands of our community and help each other protect the children.”