Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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XG-1 StarWing Assault Gunboat
Type: Blueprint
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1.192 MB
Aug 3, 2019 @ 5:37pm
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XG-1 StarWing Assault Gunboat

In 1 collection by Ace
Star Wars - Legends Content
9 items
The XG-1 StarWing Assault Gunboat was a ship used by the Galactic Empire, intended to be an assault fighter like the TIE Defender.

It was made before the TIE Avenger and TIE Defender, and was the first imperial starfighter to be equipped with deflector shields.

In Canon, this ship was used by the Rebels.
In Legends, this ship was used by the Galactic Empire.

I don't know why they didn't give it to the Empire when they brought it to canon, but I dont work at Disney.

Engine Damage doesnt need to be off, but I would say to have it off just as a precaution.

Next up on my list for making underappreciated Imperial craft, is the Scimitar Assault Bomber.

Thank you for all your support with my first true WS upload, the TIE Avenger, and I hope you all like this one, too.
