5 ways Homer and Marge can save their marriage

Shortly after Variety published an interview with “The Simpsons” executive producer Al Jean, die-hard fans, and even casual viewers of the long-running animate Fox series began to mourn some very sad news: Marge and Homer Simpson would be getting separated in the upcoming season.

The outcry was so swift and loud, “The Simpsons” social media team put out a statement with a picture of Bart writing on the chalkboard, “Homer and Marge are not breaking up.”

Considering that we’re about to go into Season 27 of “The Simpsons,” no one can argue that Marge and Homer Simpson may need a little bit of help staying the course. They are, after all, television’s longest-reigning couple.

We decided to talk to real-life marriage coach Glen D. Kato to hear what kind of advice he would give to Marge and Homer that would help them keep their spark alive. Kato — the author of two books, “Five Ways To Jazz Up Your Marriage” and “Five Ways To Reduce Fighting In Your Marriage” — may never appear in the show as a guest character, but for couples like Marge and Homer going on 25-plus years of marriage, his advice may be worth considering.

“The amount of couples who have been together for more than two decades, but then get divorced, has doubled in the last 10 years,” says Kato. “That’s because of things like social media, reconnecting with old flames or even new people.”

Here’s Kato’s words of wisdom for Marge, Homer, and maybe even some of us:

1. Don’t let attention go to your head

Jean says that Homer will fall for a pharmacist guest-voiced by “Girls” star Lena Dunham. Kato says Homer’s fondness for someone new is natural, but cautions against acting on it.

“That’s a really exhilarating thing,” says Kato. “But you have to remember, it’s only temporary.”

2. Put in the work

“I would not tell them things like, “give it some time and it will heal itself,” says Kato. “That’s a partial truth.”

What people should be doing, according to Kato, is empowering them to really do the work that is necessary, which could include going to therapy or a spiritual advisor for counsel.

3. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Does Homer really respect Marge? Kato says loving her is one thing, but really, what Marge wants and needs more of from him is respect.

“I always notice how Homer talks to Marge,” he says. “It has bordered on verbal abuse.”

Kato believes the key to a woman’s heart is by respecting her. “If the husband respects the wife more, the wife will love the husband more,” he says.

4. Agree, for once

When asked what piece of advice couples have the hardest time taking, Kato says it’s the one he has on agreement.

“Two individuals coming together is really challenging,” he says. “But when we’re in agreement, there’s power behind that because two is truly better than one.”

5. Renew your vows

Marge and Homer actually did once get a divorce.

In episode from Season Eight called “A Millhouse Divided,” Homer actually filed for divorce against Marge only to remarry her by the end of episode. In Season 20, they had to do it again after it was discovered their minister’s certification was null and void before their second wedding.

But if Marge and Homer are headed down the path of uncertainty once again in the upcoming season, maybe she and Homer need to recite the vows they said to each other at their first wedding.