Gay test

Gay TestI didn’t even realize there was an image other than two dancers. It took me a minute to see the other, naughtier image this makes.  My guess is that only gay men think this is an image of ballroom dancers.

12 responses to “Gay test

  1. Hy, i am searching for gay quiz


  2. OHHH! YEAH! After about three minutes I saw the “other” possibility for this whacky Roarshoch (sp) test! lol


  3. Yeah – I saw the dancers first and then – ick!


  4. I saw dancers first. YEAH! But realized that this was one of those double images and then saw the boobies.


  5. I’m in trouble…they’re gonna take my gay card away. I only saw boobs at first…well, what the heck, I never even liked Judy Garland.


  6. I thought it was a black and white close up of Kermit the Frog


  7. I must be uber gay *no comments* I still see a guy and drag queen dancing


  8. I missed it until you said the word ‘naughty.’
    That sparked the new image and now …. MY EYES!!!


  9. Oh dear! I thought I was a straight female for fifty-eight years. Turns out I’m really a gay male? My husband is going to be very surprised! I had to look very hard to see the “other’ picture. Loved this

