Can Lleyton Hewitt trademark "C'mon!"?

Tennis ace Lleyton Hewitt has tried to smash his way through the courts so he can exclusively own one of his most recognisable features.

In fact, a marketing company associated with Lleyton Hewitt is trying to have the phrase "C'mon!" - the phrase he shouts at himself during matches - trademarked. The company has just lost a legal challenge to control the term.

It's not the first feature of his fame Lleyton would like to protect - in order top protect his personal brand and prevent others making money by using them.

In late 2007, Lleyton and his wife Bec Hewitt had more than one trademark application pending for several trademarks including

  • Lleyton & Bec Hewitt,

  • "C'mon"

  • Lleyton Hewitt

According to Smart Company, the applications were for uses ranging from clothing to children's coaching.

The one distinctive gesture Lleyton has managed to copyright was the backward-turned hand (see pic) he gives to celebrate a point or match.

The movement, literally a twist on the fist pumping performed by many sportspeople, was not Lleyton's original creation.

The "Vicht" salute has been used by swimmer Grant Hackett but is thought to have been pioneered in sport by Swedish tennis player Niclas Kroon.

Kroon was also the first to trademark the gesture, and he shared the rights with Mats Wilander, but he let the trademark rights lapse.

Kroon was certainly not happy when he first discovered his salute was snatched upon by Lleyton. "I wish he had called me first," he said.

"I don't know what to say. It's all about business and making money. I'm so sick and tired of s**t like that."

No word yet on whether Lleyton plans on sharing the shout "C'mon!" with other Aussies if gets the exclusive rights to it.

What do you think of Lleyton wanting to trademark the phrase "C'mon!" ?